Sunday, April 22, 2012

Two Things I Hate

I hate many things. Many, many things. Usually they're inconsequential and I make a big deal out of them, often times yelling, and it becomes funny. Today is no exception. 

1. Why do I have to take nasty ass medicine? I'm 25 mother fucking years old. I think I'm old enough now to tell the girl at the pharmacy that I want some Goddamn flavoring in my stupid ass antibiotics. 
"Can't add flavor to a pill Ma'am" you say? Fine! Take it to the drug company. In that nice gel coating you put on my pills that ALWAYS makes them stick to the back of my throat, thereby making me feel like I'm going to die every fucking time I swallow one, throw in some Mint, or cherry, better yet! Ginger! Settle my stomach that you're drugs are upsetting anyway and make it taste a little less like plastic ass while you're at it. Please and fucking thank you! 
Why can they add that crap to my kid's medicine but not mine? Because it's liquid? I'll drink an 8oz glass of bubble gum flavored antibiotics before I'll take another one of your disgusting pills. Problem solved. Jerk.

2. I fucking forgot what number two was because I was so upset by number one. FACK! 

On that note, the weekend is almost over. Yet another thing to by annoyed by! 

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